Publisher: The Time Inc. Magazine Company (U.S. Edition)
Pages: 72
Size: 4.25 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English
• COVER: How To Spend (and Not Spend) One Trillion Dollars - That's how much money Barack Obama says is needed to kick-start the economy. How he spends it could determine the fate of his presidency [+/-]
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• WORLD: Didja Hear the One About the Funny Economist? - Even as the economic gloom deepens, some financial experts just want to have fun. Have you heard the one about the stand-up economist?
• SOCIETY: Boytox: Botox for Men - More men are erasing their wrinkles, part of a "manscaping" movement that could turn out to be recession-proof
• PEOPLE: 10 Questions for Hugh Hefner - Mr. Playboy marks a recent biography and his publication's 55th anniversary. Hugh Hefner will now take your questions