August 31, 2010

Grammar Practice in Context with Answer Key

Title: Grammar Practice in Context with Answer Key
Level: Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate
Author(s): David Bolton and Noel Goodey
Publisher: Richmond Publishing
Date: 1997
Pages: 192
Size: 15.10 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: Good, readable, printable
Language: British English

• A comprehensive practice book with the 100 most important grammatical points in the English language for pre-intermediate and intermediate students.
• Each unit is preceded by a brief explanation of a grammmar point.
• Contextualized exercises.
• Wide variety of exercise types and contexts.
• Many examples of exercises found in the Cambridge First Certificate Exam.

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English Vocabulary Organiser: 100 Topics for Self Study

Title: English Vocabulary Organiser: 100 Topics for Self Study
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Author(s): Chris Gough
Publisher: Thomson
Date: 2001
Pages: 226
Size: 8.82 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: Good, readable, printable
Language: British English

ENGLISH VOCABULARY ORGANISER is the most comprehensive vocabulary self-study book currently available. It organizes vocabulary into 100 topics and is the ideal book to recommend to all intermediate and upper level students. It will be invaluable to anyone preparing to take an English examination. [+/-]

• ENGLISH VOCABULARY ORGANISER includes words, collocations, and expressions.
• It is easy for students to use on their own.
• It includes a very comprehensive list of topics.
• This is a student friendly book that is fully illustrated and includes a full answer key.

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He Fell in Love with His Wife by Edward Payson Roe

Title: He Fell in Love with His Wife
Author(s): Edward Payson Roe, 1838-1888
Publisher: O'Mama
Pages: 374
Size: 1.63 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English

Alida Armstrong weds a man, Ostrom, only to find out that he is already married - and a murderer. So she leaves him and eventually drifts to the poorhouse. James Holcroft, a farmer, comes there looking for a housekeeper. Alida refuses the position at first by pointing out that people will talk if two unmarried people of the opposite sex are living together (1916 was, after all, a quainter age). [+/-]

So he offers to marry her, purely as a business proposition. This she agrees to, and she winds up making his home such a pleasant place that he really does fall in love with her. But their happiness is disturbed by the arrival of Ostrom, who threatens to kill Holcroft when Alida refuses to run off with him. The two men battle it out on a cliff, and Holcroft throws Ostrom to his death.

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Instant Grammar Lessons: straightforward, easy-to-use material for busy teachers

Title: Instant Grammar Lessons: straightforward, easy-to-use material for busy teachers
Level: Intermediate
Author(s): Alan Battersby
Publisher: Language Teaching Publications
Date: 2000
Pages: 113
Size: 4.82 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: Good, readable, photocopiable
Language: British English

This is the first in a series of photocopiable teacher's resource books. Its simple methodology is designed to get learners trying out different structures before they write anything down, so bridging the gap between passive and active knowledge of grammar. [+/-]

The book contains 32 instant lessons at intermediate level; follow-up grammar homework for every lesson; and full instructions for teachers. Every lesson is designed to be easy to plan and set up and challenging communicative activities involve learners in: working together to sequence stories and letters; reading out matching sentence heads and tails; rephrasing and completing each other's sentences; and actively listening for word grammar.

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Grammar with Laughter: straightforward, easy-to-use material for busy teachers

Title: Grammar with Laughter: straightforward, easy-to-use material for busy teachers with Answer Key
Level: Teacher Resources
Author(s): George C. Woolard
Publisher: Language Teaching Publications
Date: 1999
Pages: 105
Size: 4.53 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: Good, readable, photocopiable
Language: British English

GRAMMAR WITH LAUGHTER is part of the popular series of photocopiable resource books designed to enliven your lessons. It contains 82 lessons each dealing with a different area of English grammar. Each worksheet is based on 8-10 jokes which illustrate a particular grammar point. It will bring humour into the teaching of grammar to show students that serious language work can be fun.

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August 30, 2010

More Grammar Games: Cognitive, Affective & Movement Activities for EFL Students

Title: More Grammar Games: Cognitive, Affective & Movement Activities for EFL Students
Level: Beginner to Advanced
Author(s): Mario Rinvolucri and Paul Davis
Publisher: CUP
Date: 1995
Pages: 179
Size: 4.99 Mb
Format: PDF in rar
Quality: Good, readable, photocopiable
Language: English

This resource book for teachers contains an exciting collection of activities that present and practice vital grammatical content in an original way. Each game is clearly introduced with a summary specifying the area of grammar to be practiced, the level it is aimed at, the time required and the material needed. The activity is then presented using a step-by-step approach.

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extr@! English Workbook 1 (full-colour)

Title: extr@! English Workbook 1: the English language comedy with Bridget, Nick, Annie, and Hector
Level: All
Author(s): Ken Wilson
Publisher: Compass Publishing
Date: 2006
Pages: 87
Size: 45.03 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: Very good, well-scanned
Language: British English

extr@! English is a new television series that will help you learn English. It is a story of four young people who live in London. Three of them are English and one is from Agentina. [+/-]

Two of the characters work for a television company, one is an actor an the other is a student. You will see them at work and play - they have fun, they fall in love, they break up, they argue sometimes all on the same day! They meet some really unusual people and have amusing and incredible adventures.

There are 30 episodes of extr@! This workbook contains fun activities and exercises for episodes 1-15. Each TV episode is devided into three parts. There are four pages of Workbook activities, plus an extra page of grammar practice at the back of this book, to accompany each episode.

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ESOL - Who Are You? Questionnaires for Self-Discovery

Title: ESOL - Who Are You? Questionnaires for Self-Discovery
Level: Intermediate
Author(s): Michael Berman
Publisher: Brain Friendly Publications
Date: 2004
Pages: 26
Size: 1.07 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High, printable
Language: British English

Who are you? is designed for teachers with limited preparation time who wish to provide lively, motivating language lessons to introduce different topics of conversation through questionnaires at Intermediate level.

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Adult ESOL Basic Skills (full-color)

Title: Adult ESOL Basic Skills
Level: Entry 1, Entry 2 and Entry 3
Author(s): DfES Publications Team
Publisher: Department for Education and Skills(DfES)
Date: 2003
Pages: 200 + 160 + 165
Size: 30.39 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High, full-color
Language: British English

Recommened! Fancy updating your skills? Taking a course could provide huge benefits for your life and work. Today, there are lots of different ways to improve your reading, writing and maths skills. You can learn at a college, in an informal group, or even on-line. What’s important is that you learn in the place and at the time that suits you best. The UK Adult ESOL Core Curriculum is the curriculum introduced by the Department of Education and Skills for learners of English in England. (‘ESOL’ means ‘English for Speakers of Other Languages’.) [+/-]

It is part of a national strategy to improve the literacy, language and numeracy skills of adults in England, and it is based on new national standards for speaking, listening, reading and writing. There are three levels of these standards: Entry level, Level 1 and Level 2. Entry level is divided into three further levels: Entry 1, Entry 2 and Entry 3.

Entry Level 1
• Unit 1 Getting started
• Unit 2 Daily life
• Unit 3 Shopping 1
• Unit 4 Local transport
• Unit 5 Health
• Unit 6 The neighbourhood
• Unit 7 Homes
• Unit 8 Friends and family
• Unit 9 Shopping 2
• Unit 10 Going to work

Entry Level 2
• Unit 1 Culture! Culture!
• Unit 2 Community news
• Unit 3 Getting around
• Unit 4 Education
• Unit 5 Shopping
• Unit 6 Free time and leisure
• Unit 7 Changes
• Unit 8 Looking for work

Entry Level 3
• Unit 1 Our lives
• Unit 2 Sport and exercise
• Unit 3 The health service
• Unit 4 Getting to know the UK
• Unit 5 Technology
• Unit 6 Lifelong Learning
• Unit 7 Local communities
• Unit 8 Working lives

The Adult ESOL Core Curriculum
• Introduction to the ESOL Core Curriculum
• Entry Level 1
• Entry Level 2
• Entry Level 3
• Level 1
• Level 2
• Glossary

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ESOL - Activating Vocabulary through Pictures

Title: ESOL - Activating Vocabulary through Pictures
Author(s): Mark Fletcher
Publisher: Brain Friendly Publications
Date: 2005
Pages: 25
Size: 1.42 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High, printable
Language: British English

Activating Vocabulary - ESOL is designed for teachers with limited preparation time who want to provide lively, motivating language skills lessons to introduce, test or revise.

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English Too© Workbook for Intermediate Level Students

Title: English Too© Workbook for Intermediate Level Students
Level: Intermediate
Author(s): Dawn Marie Moseley
Publisher: Dawn Marie Moseley
Date: 2008
Pages: 109
Size: 1.31 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High, printable
Language: American English

This workbook is a diagnostic tool as well as a curriculum for English Language Learners considered newly arrivals in the United States. Many of the quizzes and longer tests are designed as pretest instruments for determining base levels. [+/-]

The lessons are geared to the mastery language levels for middle school students. Learning expectations for students are explained as success levels for mastery and are based on the following assumptions.

• Students achieve at least 80% of a score of 100 for correct answers on any given examination.
• At least 80% percent of the entire (total number of students) class score at least 80% of a score of 100 accuracy on the task
• Scores of 79% of a score of 100 or below, indicate re-teaching until mastery is accomplished.

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Encyclopedia of American Education (Vol.1 A to E)

Title: Encyclopedia of American Education (Vol.1 A to E)
Author(s): Harlow G. Unger
Publisher: Facts On File
Date: 2007; 3rd Edition
Pages: 1,403
Size: 9.92 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English

Education in the U.S. has changed significantly since 1996 when the first edition of this volume was published, so it is no surprise that Facts On File updated it. The surprise rests in the number of entries that did not change. The work still includes about 2,500 entries in about 200 subject areas. [+/-]

Topics range from history to current issues, from leading figures and movements to legislation and Supreme Court cases, from administration to adolescence. About 50 new articles deal with distance learning and other emerging trends. Approximately 500 articles have been updated. Some statistics were revised (although the number of California State University campuses was not updated). Library has some very current information, while Children's literature is severely out of date.

Entries range in length from a couple of sentences to several pages. Length does not necessarily correlate with current importance; for instance, Missionary education movements is longer than Minority education, and Military education is longer than Migrant education. The humanities are covered more extensively than the sciences. Individual colleges and historical aspects of education outweigh research and reform (e.g., there is no index listing for statistics, and ethnography is missing entirely). Literacies are under-represented; computer literacy is included but media, visual, and information literacies are excluded. There is no mention of young adult literature, which continues to be a controversial and important topic. Except for those appended to new entries, lists of references contain few current titles.

Several appendixes follow the entries: a sketchy chronology of significant educational benchmarks (none for the 1980s), a list of significant U. S. Supreme Court decisions in education, a list of education majors and degrees, and a topical bibliography of generally older resources.

Despite some gaps this set covers much ground and is useful for many libraries, but should not be considered the definitive source or the only purchase in this area. Given the limited amount of updating, libraries may choose not to replace the previous edition.

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August 29, 2010

7 Things Not to Do When Speaking English

Title: 7 Things Not To Do When Speaking English
Author(s): Robby Kukurs
Publisher: English Harmony
Date: 2007
Quantity: 7 topics
Size: 2.07 Mb
Format: .exe, eBook Pro Viewer
Language: British English

Improve your spoken English by knowing a few things which you shouldn't do while communicating in English language. Sometimes we underestimate our ability to speak English fluently and tend to think that by learning more grammar and building up vocabulary the fluency is going to improve. However, it's surprising how well you can actually speak if you take these seven things into account! [+/-]

About English Harmony
The English Harmony System is a language confidence regaining system and will help you:
• regain the confidence in your English and yourself,
• always speak fluently in job interviews, meetings, presentations, your boss…with everyone!
• never feel embarrassed and annoyed in the front of your friends and colleagues,
• stop struggling and wasting your time with other conventional ways to improve your fluency,
• stop being afraid of socializing with native English speakers and make lots of friends,
• and just feel happy!

About the author
Robby Kukurs has devised the English Harmony System after years of struggling with an issue of inability to speak proper English which occurred occasionally. Since launching the website Robby has helped many people all across the globe to regain the confidence in spoken English language. Robby lives in Ireland and works as a data analyst.

Click here for reviews of English Harmony.

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The Instant Diary (fill in the blanks)

Title: The Instant Diary (fill in the blanks)
Author(s): Dean Derkson
Publisher: Dean Derkson
Date: 2006
Pages: 148
Size: 1.62 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English

First you may want to write a diary but you are lazy. In that case just print out a copy, take your time filling in the blanks, and then leave it lying around for someone to read so you can catch them and get angry with them for reading your diary. [+/-]

Another way would be to pull it out at a party where everyone has stopped talking, or simply passed out cause of too much beer, and then pick random lines for others to fill in so you can find out more about them in a mechanical way.

Finally my original intention was to have a repository of sentences I could throw at my students in conversation classes so that they could practice question formation in a structured manner.

I hope you enjoy it.

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August 27, 2010

The Secrets of Boys

Title: The Secrets of Boys
Level: ages 14+
Author(s): Hailey Abbott
Date: 2009
Pages: 266
Size: 1.39 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English

Summer for Maddy Sinclaire starts as a blur of house parties and dips in the pool—until she's caught throwing an unauthorized beachside bash. As punishment, her parents send her off to Napa Valley, where she'll spend her free time working on the family vineyard. Even with her boyfriend, Brian, miles away, Maddy's about to discover that the vineyard is a very romantic place. It's vast, sunny, magical ... and there's another boy just waiting to steal her heart.

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The Other Boy

Title: The Other Boy
Level: ages 14+
Author(s): Hailey Abbott
Date: 2009
Pages: 272
Size: 1.17 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English

Summer for Maddy Sinclaire starts as a blur of house parties and dips in the pool—until she's caught throwing an unauthorized beachside bash. As punishment, her parents send her off to Napa Valley, where she'll spend her free time working on the family vineyard. Even with her boyfriend, Brian, miles away, Maddy's about to discover that the vineyard is a very romantic place. It's vast, sunny, magical . . . and there's another boy just waiting to steal her heart.

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Getting Lost with Boys

Title: Getting Lost with Boys
Level: ages 14+
Author(s): Hailey Abbott
Date: 2009
Pages: 240
Size: 1.35 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English

Cordelia Packer hates the unexpected, but she's in for a surprise when Jacob Stein offers to be her travel companion, all the way from San Diego to her sister's place in northern California. Before she knows it, her neatly laid out summer plan has turned into a wild road trip, where anything can – and does – happen. Who knew getting lost with a boy could be so much fun?

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Activities for Pair Work 1: Elementary - Pre-Intermediate

Title: Activities for Pair Work 1
Level: Elementary to Pre-Intermediate
Author(s): Peter Watcyn-Jones and Deirdre Howard-Williams
Publisher: Penguin Books
Date: 2002
Pages: 96
Size: 4.52 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: Good, well-scanned, photocopiable
Language: British English

40 stimulating pair-work activities in each book including role-plays, simulations and problem-solving. Intensive conversation practice based around practical, contemporary topics. Ideal to introduce or supplement a lesson--each activity can be completed in 15-30 minutes.

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Access Workbook 1 (full-color)

Title: Access Workbook 1
Level: Beginner
Author(s): Virginia Evans and Jenny Dooley
Publisher: Express Publishing
Date: N/A
Pages: 73
Size: 7.97 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High, photocipiable
Language: British English

Access is a four-level English course designed exclusively for students studying English at Beginner Level. The course follows the principles of the Council of Europe Common Framework of Reference Level A1.

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Asking the Right Questions: a guide to critical thinking, 8th Edition

Title: Asking the Right Questions: a guide to critical thinking
Author(s): M. Neil Browne and Stuart Keeley
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Date: 2007, 8th Edition
Pages: 226
Size: 3.69 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English

This popular book helps readers understand the difference between blindly accepting information and critical analysis and synthesis. It teaches how to react rationally to alternate points of view and develop a foundation for making personal choices about what to accept and reject in what we see and hear. [+/-]

Focusing on the question-asking skills and techniques necessary for evaluating different types of evidence, this book addresses critical thinking as a generic skill with many applications while emphasizing values and moral reasoning as an integral part of critical thinking. It provides extensive treatment of evidence while analyzing the biases that hinder critical thinking. It includes a chapter-length illustration of the system of "right" questions.

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A to Zed, A to Zee: a guide to the differences between British and American English

Title: A to Zed, A to Zee: : a guide to the differences between British and American English
Author(s): Glenn Darragh
Publisher: Stanley
Date: 2000
Pages: 128
Size: 6.36 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: English

This book is intended for Americans and Britons who want to understand each other better, and for foreign students of either American or British English who want to familiarise (or familiarize) themselves with the other main variety of the language.

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101 American English Riddles

Title: 101 American English Riddles: Understanding Language and Culture through Humor
Author(s): Harry Collis
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Date: 1996
Pages: 123
Size: 4.98 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: Good, readable
Language: American English

Humorous riddles with comic illustrations help ESL students gain new insights into American language and culture. Each riddle is accompanied by text that helps students grasp and master the underlying linguistic and cultural reasons why the joke is funny.

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INTERNET: find out how to use the internet to locate the information you need!

Title: INTERNET: find out how to use the internet to locate the information you need!
Level: Juvenile literature
Author(s): John Hamilton
Publisher: ABDO Pub
Date: 2005
Pages: 34
Size: 1.42 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English

An overview of the internet, the world wide web, and email.

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August 26, 2010

The McGraw-Hill Desk Reference for Editors, Writers, and Proofreaders

Title: The McGraw-Hill Desk Reference for Editors, Writers, and Proofreaders
Author(s): K.D. Sullivan and Merilee Eggleston
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Date: 2006
Pages: 255
Size: 3.63 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American Ennglish

The McGraw-Hill Desk Reference for Editors, Writers, and Proofreaders is an indispensable resource for writers, editors, proofreaders, and virtually everyone responsible for crafting clear, polished writing. Ideal for professionals and novices alike, it guides you through the entire proofreading and editing process and features a CD-ROM with more than 25 interactive tools and checklists. [+/-]

This all-in-one package offers style sheet templates, a list of editor’s symbols, comprehensive editing and proofreading checklists, and guides to commonly misspelled and confused words. It also presents advice on electronically editing and proofreading for the Web.

About the authors
K.D. Sullivan
is an internationally recognized authority on proofreading. Founder and CEO of Creative Solutions Editorial, a national proofreading and editorial agency, she is also the coauthor of the recently published book The Gremlins of Grammar.

Merilee Eggleston has more than twenty years' experience as an editor, writer, and proofreader. She has edited more than 100 books, written advertising copy and materials for online education, and is the coauthor of The Pocket Idiot's Guide to Spanish for Health Care Professionals.

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Visual Writing: Diagramming Your Ideas to Communicate Effectively

Title: Visual Writing: Diagramming Your Ideas to Communicate Effectively
Author(s): Anne Hanson
Publisher: LearningExpress
Date: 2002
Pages: 136
Size: 1.68 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English

Visual Writing helps weak writers become better writers and strong writers become stronger, because it teaches everyone to harness the power of visual maps, the graphic organizers that lead to effective communication. With this book, you'll learn how to organize your thoughts using Word Webs, Maps, Flow Charts, Venn Diagrams, Sequential Charts, Cyclical Organizers, and Plot Diagrams. Stronger communication skills now will set you apart from your peers in school, on standardized tests, or when you enter the job market.

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Steps to Writing Well, 6th Edition

Title: Steps to Writing Well, 6th Edition
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Author(s): Jean Wyrick
Publisher: Thomson
Date: 2004
Pages: 630
Size: 4.78 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English

The informal, student-friendly tone of this rhetorically-organized rhetoric/reader/handbooks provides step-by-step instructions on writing a variety of short, 500-800-word essays. This is a text that both students and instructors can use easily. Writing well is just a step away! Join the thousands of students who have learned to write well with Jean Wyrick's helpful instruction. STEPS TO WRITING WELL WITH ADDITIONAL READINGS, 6th Edition, is the ultimate step-by-step guide to writing effective essays. [+/-]

With Wyrick's clear, practical advice and student-friendly tone, you'll find it easy to begin, organize, and revise your writing-from choosing a topic to developing your essay to polishing your prose. Interesting readings in a variety of styles offer useful examples of the types of essays you'll most often be assigned in your composition and other college classes.

About the author
Jean Wyrick
is Professor Emerita of English at Colorado State University, where she was Director of Composition for 11 years. She has over 25 years of experience teaching writing, training writing teachers, and designing writing/writing-across-the-curriculum programs. Her other textbooks include The Rinehart Reader and Discovering Ideas. She has presented over two dozen papers on the teaching of writing and on American literature. Her research and teaching are now focused on late-nineteenth and twentieth-century American fiction, American Studies, and Women's Studies.

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1001 Brilliant Writing Ideas

Title: 1001 Brilliant Writing Ideas: Teaching inspirational story-writing for all ages
Author(s): Ron Shaw
Publisher: Routledge
Date: 2008
Pages: 85
Size: 1.08 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: British English

How often do you hear your pupils cry 'what can I write about?' 1001 Brilliant Writing Ideas offers teachers endless ideas and inventive suggestions, opening up new opportunities for creative writing lessons. With over 1000 different ‘story-starters’ across a vast range of genres and narrative styles, this versatile book provides food for thought for pupils of a wide range of ages and abilities. [+/-]

This highly practical and richly illustrated photocopiable resource
• Addresses the ‘blank mind’ dilemma, offering pupils a plethora of story-writing ideas and suggestions
• Enables teachers to inspire pupils who struggle with creative writing
• Provides prompts to set ideas into motion, whilst leaving plenty of scope for original and creative thought
• Challenges pupils, encouraging them to use higher level thinking skills
• Offers mix and match stimulus pieces which can be used independently or put together to give pupils more or less support as required

Any teacher whose inventiveness is flagging, and whose pupils are running out of ideas, will find this an essential classroom resource.

About the author
Ron Shaw
has many years of classroom experience and is the author of more than 40 books helping primary and secondary school students to improve their thinking skills.

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Students Must Write: A guide to better writing in coursework and examinations, 3rd Edition

Title: Students Must Write: A guide to better writing in coursework and examinations, 3rd Edition
Author(s): Robert Barrass
Publisher: Routledge
Date: 2006
Pages: 233
Size: 1.02 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: British English

This third edition of the well-respected guide provides assistance for students of all subjects on how to write better. If students are to do well and progress in their chosen career they must develop the ability to write clearly, concisely and persuasively. This text helps students achieve this by providing them with valuable advice on how to: [+/-]

• make good notes
• find information, cite sources and list references
• write better coursework assignments
• achieve higher grades in tests and examinations
• prepare a well-organised dissertation, long essay, term paper, project report or thesis
• write effective letters and applications

The text includes straightforward guidance on word choice and use, and on using numbers, tables, and illustrations to complement writing. Revised and updated, this edition acknowledges the increasing importance of computers as an aid to writing and discusses how they can be used to retrieve information and prepare coursework assignments. The exercises at the end of most chapters are there to consolidate new information and can be undertaken by students working alone or by tutors as a basis for group work.

Written by an esteemed author with many years experience of helping students improve writing and other key skills, this book provides stimulating and eminently sensible guidance on how to write successfully.

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Speaking for Yourself: A Guide for Students

Title: Speaking for Yourself: A Guide for Students
Author(s): Robert Barrass
Publisher: Routledge
Date: 2006
Pages: 158
Size: 1.43 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: English

As a student, and in any profession based on your studies, you need good oral communication skills. It is therefore extremely important to develop your ability to converse, to discuss, to argue persuasively, and to speak in public. Speaking for Yourself provides clear, straightforward advice that will help you: [+/-]

• be a good listener
• express yourself clearly and persuasively
• contribute effectively to discussions
• prepare talks or presentations
• prepare effective visual aids
• deliver effective presentations
• perform well in interviews.

In short, it will help you to express your thoughts clearly and persuasively – helping to achieve your short and medium-term goals as a student and your career goals.

About the author
Robert Barrass
has many years experience of helping students on degree and diploma courses at the University of Sunderland to improve their writing and other key skills. His other highly successful books on key skills, also published by Routledge, include Students Must Write: A Guide to Better Writing in Coursework and Examinations and Study! A Guide to Effective Learning, Revision and Examination Techniques.

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Writing at University: A Guide for Students

Title: Writing at University: A Guide for Students
Author(s): Phyllis Creme and Mary R. Lea.
Publisher: Open University Press
Date: Nov 17, 1997
Pages: 196
Size: 27.30 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English

This practical guide aims to help students to tackle writing assignments more confidently and competently. It aims to make students more aware of the complexity of the writing process, and suggests strategies and techniques that they can use to gain more control over their own writing.

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English Grammar: A University Course, 2nd Edition

Title: English Grammar: A University Course
Author(s): Angela Downing and Philip Locke
Publisher: Routledge
Date: 2005, 2nd Edition
Pages: 640
Size: 2.23 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: British English

This new edition of an award winning title has been thoroughly updated to include many new entries and examples of language in use. Presenting a complete course on English grammar, this book is essential reading for non-native speakers of English. [+/-]

This award-winning grammar course book provides the basis for linguistic courses and projects on translation, contrastive linguistics, stylistics, reading and discourse studies. Accessible and reader-friendly throughout, key features include:
• chapters divided into modules of class-length materials
• each new concept clearly explained and highlighted
• authentic texts from a wide range of sources, both spoken and written, to illustrate grammatical usage
• clear chapter and module summaries enabling efficient class preparation and student revision

About the author
Angela Downing
is Professor Emeritus in the Department of English Language and Linguistics (English Philology I) at the Universidad Complutense, Madrid.

The late Philip Locke taught at the Institute of Modern Languages and Translation at the Universidad Complutense, Madrid.

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Successful Writing Proficiency

Title: Successful Writing Proficiency
Level: Advanced
Author(s): Virginia Evans
Publisher: Express Publishing
Date: 2000
Pages: 164
Size: 16.45 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: Good, readable
Language: British English

Successful Writing Proficiency consists of nine units which cover all types of composition writing (description narratives, letters, discursive essays, articles, reviews) required at advanced levels. Each unit starts with a lean listening activity through which the basic plan for the type of writing the unit deals with is introduced. This also sen as a brainstorming activity, giving the teacher the chance to elicit useful language and ideas on the topic discussion.

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Writing a Report: How to prepare, write and present effective reports

Title: Writing a Report: How to prepare, write and present effective reports
Author(s): John Bowden
Publisher: HowTo Books
Date: 2004
Pages: 199
Size: 6.4 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: Good, readable
Language: British English

John Bowden offers a comprehensive and practical guide to report writing. Among the topics featured are preparation and planning, collecting and handling information, style, grammar, and writing and revising a report. CONTENTS: [+/-]

Part 1 The practical side of report writing - preparation and planning - collecting and handling information - writing and revising your report

Part 2 The creative side of report writing - a style guide to good report writing - improving the presentation of your report

Part 3 Some common types of report About the author John Bowden studied at the London School of Economics. He has enjoyed success both as a professional manager in industry and as a senior lecturer, and has written several books on communication.

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Teaching Academic ESL Writing: Practical Techniques in Vocabulary and Grammar

Title: Teaching Academic ESL Writing: Practical Techniques in Vocabulary and Grammar
Author(s): Eli Hinkel
Publisher: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
Date: 2004
Pages: 373
Size: 16.5 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: Good, readable
Language: American English

Teaching Academic ESL Writing: Practical Techniques in Vocabulary and Grammarfills an important gap in teacher professional preparation by focusing on the grammatical and lexical features that are essential for all ESL writing teachers and student-writers to know. [+/-]

The fundamental assumption is that before students of English for academic purposes can begin to successfully produce academic writing, they must have the foundations of language in place--the language tools (grammar and vocabulary) they need to build a text.

This text offers a compendium of techniques for teaching writing, grammar, and lexis to second-language learners that will help teachers effectively target specific problem areas of students' writing. Based on the findings of current research, including a large-scale study of close to 1,500 non-native speakers' essays, this book works with several sets of simple rules that collectively can make a noticeable and important difference in the quality of ESL students' writing.

The teaching strategies and techniques are based on a highly practical principle for efficiently and successfully maximizing learners' language gains. Part I provides the background for the text and a sample of course curriculum guidelines to meet the learning needs of second-language teachers of writing and second-language writers. Parts II and III include the key elements of classroom teaching: what to teach and why, possible ways to teach the material in the classroom, common errors found in student prose and ways to teach students to avoid them, teaching activities and suggestions, and questions for discussion in a teacher-training course. Appendices to chapters provide supplementary word and phrase lists, collocations, sentence chunks, and diagrams that teachers can use as needed.

The book is designed as a text for courses that prepare teachers to work with post-secondary EAP students and as a professional resource for teachers of students in EAP courses.

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8 Kinds of Writing: Lessons and Practice for Writing Tests and Samples

Title: 8 Kinds of Writing: Lessons and Practice for Writing Tests and Samples
Author(s): Allen S. Goose
Publisher: Walch Publishing
Date: 2001, 2nd Edition
Pages: 101
Size: 4.73 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: Good, well-scanned, photocopiable
Language: American English

Motivates students with user-friendly activities, writing prompts, and graphic organizers. Correlates lessons to state standards. Strengths test-prep skills. Models good writings.

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Why We Write: The Politics and Practice of Writing for Social Change

Title: Why We Write: The Politics and Practice of Writing for Social Change
Edited by: Jim Downs
Publisher: Routledge
Date: 2005
Pages: 203
Size: 1.58 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English

Why We Write provides a forum for scholars, activists, and novelists to reflect on the ways in which they use their writing and academic work to create social change. This volume uncovers the political agendas, social missions, and personal and professional experiences that compel writers to bring their stories to the page. Why We Write examines the dual commitment of writing articles and books that are committed to high scholarly standards as well as social justice. These essays will be of great interest to college and graduate students who currently lack a model of social justice scholarship.

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Ideas into Words: Mastering the Craft of Science Writing

Title: Ideas into Words: Mastering the Craft of Science Writing
Author(s): Elise Hancock
Publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Date: 2003
Pages: 174
Size: 1.15 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English

This is a slim book, but it contains a wealth of information. The author, a veteran science writer, tells us pretty much everything we need to know about her demanding field. She discusses finding the story you want to tell, conducting the research, and developing the story structure, and she breaks each down into its component parts. [+/-]

In the chapter titled "Research and Interview," for example, she discusses the proper use of press releases; how to choose your interview subjects (and even what time of day is best to conduct an interview); and the importance of being able to spot when information from one source conflicts with information from another source. Smartly written and constructed, the book is absolutely essential to someone looking to enter this very tough, competitive field. David Pitt

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Writing for Science

Title: Writing for Science
Author(s): Robert Goldbort
Publisher: Yale University Press
Date: 2006
Pages: 345
Size: 1.63 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English

This exceptional book encompasses the entire range of writing skills that today's experimental scientist may need to employ. Detailed chapters cover every type of science writing, from routine forms, such as laboratory notes, abstracts, and memoranda, to the more complex writing required in dissertations, journal articles, and grant proposals. [+/-]

Using numerous extended examples, the book offers students and professionals alike the thorough, practical advice they need to optimize the effectiveness of their written communications.

Robert Goldbort discusses how best to approach various writing tasks as well as how to deal with the everyday complexities that may get in the way of ideal practice--difficult collaborators, experiments gone wrong, funding rejections. He underscores the importance of an ethical approach to science and scientific communication and insists on the necessity of full disclosure.

For working scientists, those seeking employment in the sciences, students taking on writing assignments or oral presentations, and professionals who hope to publish or acquire funding, this volume is an essential resource.

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Writing in English: a practical handbook for scientific and technical writers

Title: Writing in English: a practical handbook for scientific and technical writers
Author(s): Zuzana Svobodova, Heidrun Katzorke, Ursula Jaekel, Stefania Dugovicova, Mike Scoggin and Peter Treacher
Publisher: European Commission Leonardo da Vinci programme
Date: 2000
Pages: 74
Size: 1.37 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: British English

This handbook has been designed to be a reference book and guide for researchers who have to write up their scientific work in English and who may need help to compose and write more clearly and accurately in the language.

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Writing from Start to Finish: a six-step guide

Title: Writing from Start to Finish: a six-step guide
Author(s): Kate Grenville
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
Date: 2002
Pages: 225
Size: 1.50 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: British English

Ideal for writing a short story, essay, review, or report, this guide provides beginning writers with the hands-on direction they need to improve their writing techniques and ability. Using a six-step approach to writing, this resource covers brainstorming ideas, choosing a topic, outlining, drafting, revising, and editing. [+/-]

The tone is casual, the advice is straightforward, and the whole approach makes writing a skill that anyone can learn. Illustrations reinforce the ideas visually and help to break up the text into bite-sized chunks. An example section with worked examples of two kinds of writing—a creative writing piece and an essay—takes readers through the six steps, so they can watch writing develop from a blank page to a finished piece. Ideal for high school students but also appropriate for writers of all ages, this book also includes tips on user-friendly grammar, a table of different types of text, and a quick night-before-the-exam summary.

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Writing the Short Film, 3rd Edition

Title: Writing the Short Film
Author(s): Patricia Cooper and Ken Dancyger
Publisher: Elsevier
Date: 2005, 3rd Edition
Pages: 371
Size: 1.49 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English

The short film is a unique narrative art form that, while lending itself to experimentation, requires tremendous discipline in following traditional filmic considerations. [+/-]

This book takes the student and novice screenwriter through the storytelling process- from conception, to visualization, to dramatization, to characterization and dialogue- and teaches them how to create a dramatic narrative that is at once short (approximately half an hour in length) and complete. Exercises, new examples of short screenplays, and an examination of various genres round out the discussion.

• New screenplays, a chapter on rewriting your script, and a chapter on the future of short films.
• A comprehensive guide to writing this challenging form
• Numerous exercises to jumpstart visualization and writing
• In-depth discussion of genres suited to the short screenplay

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Writing for Animation, Comics, and Games

Title: Writing for Animation, Comics, and Games
Author(s): Christy Marx
Publisher: Focal Press
Date: November 8, 2006
Pages: 238
Size: 5.67 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English

Writing for Animation, Comics, and Games explains the practical aspects of creating scripts for animation, comics, graphic novels, and computer games. It details how you can create scripts that are in the right industry format, and follow the expected rules for you to put your best foot forward to help you break-in to the trade. [+/-]

This book explains approaches to writing for exterior storytelling (animation, games); interior/exterior storytelling (comics and graphic novels), as well as considerations for non-linear computer games in the shortest, pithiest, and most economical way. The author offers insider's advice on how you can present work as professional, how to meet deadlines, how visual writing differs from prose, and the art of collaboration.

• Career rules of-the-road for comics, computer games, and animation...from an insider's perspective
• Written for beginners and professionals alike
• Authored by a distinguished writer, whose credits include X-Men Evolution, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Lord of the Rings

About the Author
Based in Los Angeles, California. Christy Marx is a writer, story editor, series developer, game designer, and interactive writer. Her many credits include: Babylon 5 and the Twilight Zone; 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea; He-Man; X-Men Evolution; Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles; Lord of the Rings; Elfquest; and more.

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The A-Z of Medical Writing

Title: The A-Z of Medical Writing
Author(s): Tim Albert
Publisher: BMJ Books
Date: 2000
Pages: 153
Size: 1.10 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: British English

The purpose of this book is to help doctors and other health professionals with their writing problems. It consists of several hundred topics, from the process of writing to authorship, and from the use of semi-colons to the law of late literals. These are arranged alphabetically, with extensive cross referencing and, where appropriate, lists of books that the author has read and recommends. The book will provide concise, practical information about how to tackle any form of writing required of health care professionals.

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The Funbook of Creative Writing

Title: The Funbook of Creative Writing
Author(s): Dennis E. Paul
Publisher: Remedia Publications
Date: 2000
Pages: 34
Size: 1.54 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English

The attention-getting, humorous story starters in this book will surely spark the imagination of the most reluctant story writer. The antics of characters with unusual names will motivate young writers to complete the stories and even create their own stories about the subjects. [+/-]

About the Author
Dennis Paul
has been an educator for over twenty years. He taught for eleven years in a one-room school, working with students in grades K-8. He also has served as a special education teacher in a school for homeless students, and as a teacher for acute care adolescent hospital programs.

Currently, he is a special education teacher for the Juvenile Detention Facility in Mesa, Arizona. For many years, he has been creating math word problems, story starters, games, and other materials, to help motivate his own students.

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Reference Guide to World Literature Vol.1-2

Title: Reference Guide to World Literature Vol.1-2
Author(s): Sara Pendergast and Tom Pendergast
Publisher: St James Press
Date: November 20, 2002; 3rd Edition
Pages: 1,150/631
Size: 5.91/3.39 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English

Featuring entries on nearly 500 writers and approximately 550 works, this new edition "represents a comprehensive and authoritative survey of literatures written in languages other than English." The chronological range is vast, beginning with the Vedas and the Epic of Gilgamesh and ending with contemporary works such as Isabel Allende's The House of the Spirits and Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Love in the Time of Cholera. [+/-]

Volume 1 provides two- to three-page profiles of authors from Abe Kobo (Japanese) to Carl Zuckmayer (German); in between are authors from France, Haiti, Egypt, Spain, Lithuania, Ukraine, Iceland, and Tunisia, to name but a few. The editors state that this edition "provides expanded coverage of literatures in less represented languages, the primary focus being Arabic, Chinese, and Japanese, as well as previously unrepresented languages including Albanian, Estonian, Indonesian, Kurdish, and Thai." In addition, more contemporary women writers are profiled than in earlier editions.

In the author entries, brief biographical data are given when known: birth date and place, education, family, career summary, awards given, and death date. This is followed by a selected list of publications, references to bibliographies on the author, and references to full-length critical studies for further research. Finally, signed essays provide a critical evaluation of the author and his or her work. A list of contributors is available, as are a chronological list of writers and an alphabetical list of writers and works.

Author articles are cross-referenced to volume 2, which contains detailed entries on individual literary works presented in alphabetical order by title. Here, again, coverage is expansive--one finds essays on, among others, Around the World in Eighty Days, Hansel and Gretel, Kiss of the Spider Woman, Les Liaisons Dangereuses, Madame Bovary, and The Rubaiyat. This volume also provides a section of notes on advisors and contributors from universities worldwide, an index of authors and titles by language, and an alphabetical title index.

Reference Guide to World Literature is indeed a useful tool for researchers and aficionados of international literature. It is a worthy companion to works such as Contemporary World Writers (St. James, 1993), Cyclopedia of World Authors (Salem, 1997), Encyclopedia of World Literature in the 20th Century (St. James, 1998), and Gale's World Literature and Its Times series. Although not inexpensive, it is especially recommended for academic and large public libraries lacking coverage in the area.

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World Literature Vol.1
World Literature Vol.2

Dictionary of Public Health Promotion and Education: Terms and Concepts

Title: Dictionary of Public Health Promotion and Education: Terms and Concepts
Author(s): Naomi Modeste, Teri Tamayose and Helen Hopp Marshak
Publisher: Jossey-Bass
Date: August 2004; 2 edition
Pages: 187
Size: 1.25 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English

Written for public health professionals and students, the Dictionary of Public Health Education and Health Promotion, Second Edition, includes definitions for terms and concepts frequently used in public health education and promotion. [+/-]

The book offers both students and professionals a handy resource and contains a wide range of health education¾related terminologies and effectively eliminates the need for wading through scores of books or articles to find a definition. The book also provides an easily used reference for those working in research or design of public health interventions and

• Offers a reference list of the terms found most often in the professional literature
• Includes key terms used in related public health disciplines such as epidemiology, health administration, biostatistics, environmental health, and behavioral sciences
• Presents terms relevant to the four settings of health promotion and education—community, workplace, primary care, and school
• Provides a useful study aid when preparing for the exam to become a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES)

About the Author
Naomi N. Modeste
is a professor in the department of health promotion and education at Loma Linda University School of Public Health.

Teri S. Tamayose is the director of recruitment and marketing and undergraduate programs for Loma Linda University School of Public Health and is an assistant professor in the department of health administration.

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The Beginner's American History

Title: The Beginner's American History
Author(s): D.H. Montgomery
Publisher: Ginn & Company
Date: 1902
Pages: 166
Size: 21.25 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High
Language: American English

Illustrated, Maps, Full-Page Illustrations. Contents start with Columbus, last chapter is Since the Civil War. Some of the other contents: Captian Sutter, General Sam Houston, General Andrew Jackson, General George Rogers Clark and lots more.

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My Brilliant Grammar Book (full-color)

Title: My Brilliant Grammar Book
Author(s): Jeanne Perrett
Publisher: Macmillan
Date: 2006
Pages: 67
Size: 8.10 Mb
Format: PDF
Quality: High, full-color
Language: English and a little of Rusian

This is the Grammar Book for primary school children. The explanations of grammar rules are in Russian, but all the exercises are in English.

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Learn to Write A-Z & a-z (Printable)

Writing A-Z normal and italic

Learning to Write A-Z & a-z
2007 | Pre-schoolers to kindergarten | 64x2 pages | PDF | 2.65 Mb

Learning to recognize letters is an integral part of most kindergarten programs. The challenge is to keep students’ interest while practicing until they are fluent. [+/-]

The two book set; Learn to Write A-Z & Learn to Write a-z targets pre-writing & writing skills, correct letter formation, learning letter names, vocabulary building, colouring activities.

Each book gives your child practice in writing the upper case and lower case of the 26 letters of the alphabet. The child traces the letters first before proceeding to free writing.

The workbook is designed to prepare preschoolers with the necessary basic mathematical concepts and skills for entry into primary school.

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